Javascript Story Time
Here's some reasons why November is totally brilliant:
We'll be moving to Story Museum; which is lovely, cosy, nice & awesome. We don't have parking anymore, though it's easy to get in from the Redbridge Park and Ride; and it's a lot closer to the train station.
It's our 3rd birthday (that's 21 years old in javascript years). We'll have a bit of time to talk about where we've been, and where we're going with JSOxford (hint: brilliant places)
We've got some great speakers (story-tellers) this month; Monica, Max and Peter.
Max Glenister - 20 Minutes into the Future with Google Cardboard and JavaScript
A look at the technology we've got available to create Google Cardboard experiences using JavaScript.
Monica Messaggi Kaya - Digital Manuscript Toolkit – the journey so far
An introduction to International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) and its use on the Digital Manuscript Toolkit (DMT) - where Monica is working specifically on a JavaScript client to edit manuscripts online (via browser).
Peter Gasston - OK Computer
In recent years there have been incredible advances in artificial intelligence and deep learning. As a result, powerful technology which used to be rare and expensive has very quickly become easily available and cheap. This will have both positive and negative consequences for web developers. In this talk I will look at how AI will change the development field, and provide techniques that will help designers and developers to work with AI to improve their skills and make better sites and applications for end users.
Please make sure you read and agree to our Code of Conduct before attending.
Thank you to our sponsors that have made it possible to run this event and build our community.
We're always on the look out for new speakers to come and give a talk. If you have a talk that you'd like to present, please Submit a Talk and we'll contact you to arrange a date.
We are very keen to encourage new speakers. If you think you'd like to get into public speaking but don't know where to start please Get in Touch with us or take a look at our Speaker Resources. We'll do everything we can to develop your speaking skills.
Come and chat with us on Twitter or Slack. See videos of past events on our YouTube.