Summer of Hacks #3: Code Retreat
A CodeRetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. Developers can disconnect from constraints like time and feature pressure, and just focus on the craft of programming. You don't have to ship anything. Just practice.
You will be guided through the day by a facilitator. At the beginning of the day we'll explain all the details!
Summer of Hacks #2: Game Dev Day
What is Game Dev Day?
Game Dev Day is a hack day for people to have fun making games and virtual reality experiences in web technologies.
Get the full experience at the official Game Dev Day site.
Data, APIs, and Other Things
We've got a great couple of talks this month; Jenny is coming to tell us about the WordPress REST API, and we've got Roger who is going tell us about his react-based pluggable architecture behind Zegami (you might remember him showing it at our show and tell a couple of months ago).
MOAR JavaScript
This month we'll be all about the JavaScript, with an introduction to service workers and another chance for you to show off something cool.
There will be talks, drinks, people, and tonnes of fun.
Summer of Hacks #1: NodeSchool
NodeSchool is a collection of workshops that help you learn and improve your JavaScript by writing code and solving challenges.